Monthly Direct Debit (instalments)
- Spreads the cost of your electricity over 12 equal monthly payments
- We agree a monthly amount to cover your annual consumption based on last year's, your current balance, your tariff and any discount
- We draw this amount directly from you bank account each month on a date to suit you
- You still receive quarterly bills/statements
- You receive £3 discount per quarterly bill if you switch to paperless ebills
You can now set up Monthly Direct Debit and/or ebills with one simple phone call on 505460
- Alternatively, download and complete the Direct Debit form
Variable Direct Debit (in full)
- Means you don't have to remember to go and pay your bill
- You receive quarterly statements
- We draw this amount directly from your bank account, by prior agreement, approximately 18 days later, after you have received and checked your statement
- You receive £3 discount per quarterly bill if you switch to paperless electronic bills
You can now set up Variable Direct Debit and ebills with one simple phone call on 505460
- Alternatively, download and complete the Direct Debit form