Economy 8 at a glance
Economy 8 is intended for homes powered by heat battery storage, such as the tepeo ZEB.
It provides:
Two four-hour periods of cheaper electricity for approved central heating and hot water systems
All other appliances run on the General Power and Lighting Rate at all times

Who is it for?
Any property that uses electricity for heating and hot water can apply for Economy 8. The two periods of lower cost electricity are intended to help you avoid peak times when charging your heat battery.
Economy 8 in action
A heat battery stores most of the heat your home requires during off-peak times, which is then dispensed when you need it.
Economy 8
8 hours of cheaper electricity in any 24 hours for approved heating and hot water systems. These are set at 00.00-04.00 and 12.00-16.00
Economy 8 Plus
For electricity used by approved heating and hot water systems during 16 peak hours.
General Power and Lighting
For all other appliances at all times.
Key features
Two-rate tariff
Eight hours cheaper electricity
Compatible with innovative smart heating options
Tariff rates
The card below shows the current rates for the Economy 8 tariff. These rates include GST and are subject to change.
Rates effective from 1 January 2025.
Economy 8
Price per unit
Service charge per day
All rates are inclusive of GST
Other tariffs
We offer a range of tariffs to suit your needs. If Economy 8 doesn’t sound right for you, take a look at these alternative tariffs.
Economy 20 Plus
A flexible, three-rate, uninterrupted heating tariff offering 20 hours of cheaper electricity for approved central heating and hot water systems.
Learn moreComfort Heat
A three-rate tariff with eight hours of cheaper electricity for approved space and water heating, and also eight hours of discounted electricity for other appliances.
Learn more