Saving energy starts here
There are lots of ways to reduce your electricity use. In this guide we provide tips on the following topics:
Install good insulation
If you use electric heating, installing quality insulation can help reduce your bills by as much as £200 a year. If suitable, we recommend installing:
- Cavity wall insulation
- Loft insulation (at least 270mm)
- Window insulation for any drafts
If this sounds like too much of a job, just closing your curtains at dusk can help keep heat in.

Be smart with your lights
Energy saving bulbs and LEDs use around 75% less electricity than standard bulbs. Changing the bulbs in your home isn't expensive, but the easiest way to save on your lighting costs is to turn them off when you leave a room.

Buy efficient white appliances
Of all the common home appliances, fridges, freezers, washing machines and dishwashers use the most electricity. If you're buying a new appliance, always choose one with an A+, A++ or A+++ energy rating.
Use appliances with energy saving in mind
Almost every appliance in the home can be used in a way that helps reduce electricity use. Here are some of the best ways:
- Only run washing machines and dishwashers when full
- Wash clothes at 30°C
- Turn off appliances rather than leaving them on standby
- Don't leave fridge/freezer doors open
- Don't place your fridge/freezer next to an oven or in direct sunlight
Make the most of your tariff
Our off-peak tariffs provide cheaper electricity for approved home and water heating at certain times. Some even have cheaper periods for using home appliances. This video explains how you can save energy by choosing the best tariff for you.
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