Talk with a careers advisor

Discover an extensive range of over 150 different courses, each designed to support your journey of growth, skill-building, and career advancement. From technical certifications to leadership development and creative workshops, our offerings span various fields, ensuring there's something to suit every career path and professional goal.
Whether you're looking to deepen your expertise, explore new disciplines, or simply refresh your skills, we provide a wealth of opportunities tailored to your needs. Unsure where to begin? Let us guide you! Read on to explore our curated learning pathways, or reach out to our development team for personalized recommendations.
Learn valuable skills on the job through our Apprenticeship Programme. Drill down into our industry with the best mentors in the field. Become part of a wider world with travel opportunities outside of the island through specialised training in the UK, ensuring a broad and comprehensive understanding of the industry.
Join our team of great thinkers and doers are coming together to deliver a better, and more sustainable zero carbon future for Jersey.