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A low carbon future is within our power. And it’s projects like these that’ll ensure a robust, reliable, low-carbon, sustainable electricity supply for generations.

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Important information for our PAYG Customers

Important information for our PAYG Customers

There will be essential maintenance to our Pay As You Go systems tomorrow, Friday 24 January between 7pm and 10pm.

During this time:
- PAYG Customers will still be able to make payments via online services and in your usual local retailer (non-JE).
- Payments will not go on to the meter remotely.
- Customers will need to enter the 20-digit code on your receipt into your meter manually. For steps on how to manually enter the payment confirmation code, please visit: Topping up a Smart Pay As You Go Meter - Jersey Electricity (jec.co.uk)
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and urge customers to ensure they have sufficient credit on their meters to cover this period.
About us Our Vision Sustainability Planting Projects

Our planting projects

Explore the map to see the different planting projects and partnerships which we are excited to be a part of. 

Bullet List Icon Parish Earth Partnership - St Clement

Bullet List Icon Mourier Valley Restoration Project

Bullet List Icon The Green Grid - St John

Green Grid CEO's

The Green Grid: Working together for a greener Island

In partnership with Jersey Telecom and Jersey Water, we are supporting the National Trust for Jersey’s campaign to plant and restore the island’s hedgerows.

Our aim is to plant and maintain the largest continuous grid of hedge corridors in Jersey.

The ‘Green Grid’ partnership will enhance the existing grid of 26.5 miles of hedgerows which will help Jersey’s wildlife, landscape, and natural resources to flourish.

What is the Green Grid?

The Green Grid is just one of the many planting projects we've undertaken. Watch this short explainer video to learn more about it.

Chris Ambler, CEO of Jersey Electricity kneeling down to plant a tree

The Parish Earth Partnership

Tackling the climate emergency and delivering Jersey’s bold aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2030 will depend on partnership and action.

The Parish Earth Partnership, which is a joint initiative between Jersey Electricity and the 12 parishes, aims to make a positive difference for sustainability in Jersey. 

We're proud to support the parishes with this initiative and will invest up to £60,000 towards trees, plants and shrubs (£5,000 per parish).  

Planted trees at Mourier Valley

Mourier Valley Planting Project

The Mourier Valley Restoration Project was a collaborative effort between Jersey Electricity, Jersey Water, Jersey Trees for Life and The National Trust to plant an additional 4.2 Hectares of trees next to existing ancient woodland at the bottom of the valley.

After three years of hard planting, the area is now covered with 13 mainly native species, including 1,000 Common Oak, Ash, Sweet Chestnut, Hazel, Wild Cherry, Bird Cherry, Silver Birch, Larch, Sallow, selected to suit the exposed conditions, alongside Rowan, Scots Pine, Monterey Pine and Black Pine to provide additional resources for birds and local wildlife.

Mourier Valley

Watch our video to learn more about this restoration project.

Group planting young trees

Tiny Forests

We're pleased to have partnered with the Government of Jersey in funding the Island’s first carbon-absorbing Tiny Forest.

Working with Jersey Trees for Life and Earthwatch Europe, Jersey's first tennis court-size Tiny Forest is located at Hautlieu School as part of Jersey’s Climate Conversation.

The Tiny Forest concept involves densely planting native tree species in a carefully prepared and highly nutrient small plot of land. They have emerged as an ecological concept gaining ground across the world.

Jersey's first Tiny Forest

See how we got on.

Inspiring a zero carbon future

Learn more about Jersey Electricity's sustainability projects by visiting the Sustainability Hub.