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A low carbon future is within our power. And it’s projects like these that’ll ensure a robust, reliable, low-carbon, sustainable electricity supply for generations.

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Important information for our PAYG Customers

Important information for our PAYG Customers

There will be essential maintenance to our Pay As You Go systems tomorrow, Friday 24 January between 7pm and 10pm.

During this time:
- PAYG Customers will still be able to make payments via online services and in your usual local retailer (non-JE).
- Payments will not go on to the meter remotely.
- Customers will need to enter the 20-digit code on your receipt into your meter manually. For steps on how to manually enter the payment confirmation code, please visit: Topping up a Smart Pay As You Go Meter - Jersey Electricity (jec.co.uk)
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and urge customers to ensure they have sufficient credit on their meters to cover this period.
About us Our Vision 100 Projects That Matter FAQ's for 100 Projects That Matter

Find out more on 100 Projects That Matter

What is 100 Projects That Matter, and what does it support?

100 Projects That Matter is a community impact programme reflecting our commitment to making a tangible and lasting difference in the community. 

100 Projects That Matter aims to invest in the people and ideas that will shape a sustainable and vibrant future for Jersey. Whether through sponsorships for community events, health and wellbeing initiatives, or funding for sustainability projects, the programme will have a broad impact across Jersey, making a measurable difference to Islanders’ lives.

Who is eligable for support?

100 Projects That Matter is offered to the below groups.

  • Charities
  • Not-for-profit organisations
  • Registered community groups, and
  • Schools.

The applicant and organisation of whom are applying must be based in Jersey.

Are there specific projects you can't support?

We receive applications from multiple charities and organisations all with worthy causes needing support however, we are unable to support all requests. Please see below the details of projects and organisations we are unable to support under 100 Projects That Matter.

  • We are unable to support charities, organisations and causes from requestees who are based outside of Jersey.
  • We do not provide sponsorship or support to individuals
  • We are unable to support causes that do not meet our criteria and four priority areas: health, education, environment and diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • We are unable to support corporate or for profit organisations, and any unregistered groups or charities.
  • Political associations.

When can I apply and when will I recieve the funds?

You can apply for support throughout the year. However, applications will be reviewed quarterly by an internal panel. The below application and review dates are as below:

Q1 - 1 January until 31 March will receive an answer in April (Applications for our launch year, will have a slightly longer application period from 2 December until 31 March and will receive an answer in April).

Q2 - 1 April until 30 June will receive an answer in July

Q3 - 1 July until 30 September will receive an answer in October

Q4 - 1 October until 23 November will receive an answer in December. (A shorter month is assigned to cater to Christmas and seasonal request volumes to align with our reporting period).

Please take a note of the above application dates, if you have an internal funding deadline please note your relevant application date above.

Can we apply for support multiple times?

You can only apply for one sponsorship opportunity per application. However, you can submit multiple applications for sponsorship support throughout the year.

How are applications reviewed?

Applications will be reviewed by an internal panel quarterly. Our panel will look at our internal policy priority areas and will approve applications based on relevance to them. The order of applications will be considered.

What can our organisation apply for?

Under 100 Projects That Matter we can support an array of initiatives that fit the below descriptions.

  • Event sponsorship: We can support events hosted by applicants.

  • Company sponsorship/ Partnership: Supporting your organisational initiatives which fit our criteria

  • Charity activity: Supporting your activities to raise awareness for your causes

  • Installations: Providing our heating and technology expertise and installation professionals to support your cause

  • Donations and gifts: Donating prizes towards charity activities such as raffles.

  • Community initiative: Working alongside you to support your educational initiatives and programmes

  • Jersey Electricity employee support: With over 300 employees, our people can offer their time and support to your causes.

How long can we expect to wait for a status update on our application?

Applications will be reviewed quarterly, in December, March, June and September. The time taken for a response will vary depending on when you submit your application. The closer to the next quarter the better. We ask that you consider when your event/ funding is taking place needed when applying.

Is there a maximum amount of financial support per application?

We offer support for projects which meet the criteria specified up to a maximum of £5,000.

Can I save my application and come back to it?

Unfortunately, you cannot save your application and come back to it. However, the form for applications will be available and open throughout the year.

If successful, when can I expect to recieve the funds?

Applications are reviewed quarterly, and if successful funds will be managed with the requestee on a case by case basis.